Tuesday, June 1, 2010

venting - ish

so recently a lot of people have been pissing me off.
im not going to specifically name people, but if they happen to be reading this then they should be able to figure it out ; ]

1 talk shit about my mom or fuck around with my sister? well God help you. and me

2 im a nice girl but you continue to put me through bullshit and u think thats OK? then dont be surprised and ask me dumb questions &+ try to make me feel guilty when i upgrade and leave ur stupid ass

3 the subway is a place where you need to move quickly and if ur slow ass wants to take your sweet time then dont fucking walk in front of people who are trying to do something with their lives and get on the train. PLEASE

4 the words "i have a boyfriend" do not mean continue to follow me down the street. i have places to go and i dont need to waste time avoiding ur creeper ass

5 dont act like your the shit when you cant even put an outfit together,, and half of your wardrobe is someone elses clothes -__-

6 hair extensions are ok, but when your tracks are showing, you don't blend it right, or if head looks like a damn rainbow i want to scream -__-

7 being a super hypocrite. self explanatory

but anyways .. im looking forward to hearing back from the stores where i handed in my applications/resumes .. if im ever going to get a car i need to start working NOW .. im also going to submit photos to a few modeling agencies in the city since i want to change from my last company .. hopefully ill get some responses ; ] modeling + job = successful summer.

and .. more wonderful things that my friends say:

*walking through Harlem
Laurina: wow look at this table there’s a book called “The Last Bitch Standing”
Renyelle: Man…I wanna shout that from a mountain top

Tracie: bitch tried to stab me in the neck with a bottle now that ain’t how you recycle

<3 i love them. more than words can ever describe
byee for now ; ]


  1. lol...double dee...you are too funny...keep up the blogging because i love reading this stuff...it's hilarious and makes me giggle inside =]
