Wednesday, June 2, 2010


so .. its been getting really hot lately -__-

anyways .. today i continued job hunting as usual .. i better get one soon metro cards are NOT CHEAP America. I also keep seeing facebook groups and statuses for boycotts against the government making students pay full price for their metro cards to travel to school .. I hope they dont expect to see a RISE in graduation rates at the inner city schools .. ughh smfh not everyone has money like that. and then ignorant people have the nerve to stay stupid ass shit like "oh theyre poor or they dropped out because theyre lazy" yeah, because everyone in America is born in the same environment and has equal rights and opportunities and resources right? stupid and blind doesnt even begin to describe people with those opinions.

unfortunate sighting today: someone with a name necklace (don't worry, it gets worse than that)
AND A NAME CARTILAGE PIERCING -__- idk wtf kind of sense that makes .. hot mess < this fool

btw dear taylor swift: STOP THROWING PITY PARTIES its not cute anymore. theres nothing that irritates me more than people with average looks and average talent that get more credit than they deserve and write a whole shitload of songs about things that normal people go through everyday smfh

well .. on the bright side haha im wondering what kind of hairstyle i should get next since im getting it done again soon. yes i wear extensions. no they dont look a hot mess. and YES my natural hair actually exists and looks fine when i dont have a weave in bitches ; ]

anyways .. i really love it when short people try to be tall and wear heels and then they take them off later and theyre under everyone's neck again its so cute because theyre so tiny ; ] lmao don't take offense <3 some of my closest friends are short

i also found some more hilarious TFLN:

(480):Received world's greatest BJ while in a planetarium. Was seeing stars while seeing stars.
(317):You were absolutely insistent that the entire bar knew that it was peanut butter jelly time
(609):This girl told me she was a virgin the other day. I felt like I was talking to a unicorn.