Monday, June 21, 2010

"money over love" and other mess

hey cuties ; ] before i start i would like to remind you to follow me if you have an account !! a lot of people tell me they read it so if you have blog follow me and ill follow yours too ♥

ANYWAY .. so i was watching the Tyra Banks show because i was bored and the topic yesterday was on women who marry for money and teach their daughters to do the same smfh smfh there was only one mother on the show with a child who didnt believe in adopting gold digger tendencies .. according to a survey although they thought they would be, a lot of women who do marry for money are not even happy in their relationship even though their husband can give them all the material things that they want .. Not sure why they are surprised at that outcome. I KNOW I'm not smfh .. Come on ladies !! what happened to being independent? NEWSFLASH you don't need a man to feel good about yourself or get the fancy things that you want you can do it on your own and without LOVE how can you be truly happy in a relationship? i dont understand how people even think like this ; (

then on E news .. there is an event coming up for the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death which I still have issues accepting .. what i DONT appreciate the most is the people who talked a whole bunch of sh*t about him but then when they found out he was dead ALL OF A SUDDEN they are a die hard fan smfh don't bring that fake bullsh*t to me please .. And of course there are the unnecessary haters -__- I remember I was at an amusement park last summer and I heard some loser say "oh all he did was pop pills and touch little boys" wowowow. hmm even if you do believe that he actually molested children,, making an album of number one hit singles and permanently influencing the music industry -HELLO he started music videos- is something your stupid ass will never achieve. You will never even be worth as much as a sexual release ♥ so sit your stupid ass down ; ]

now .. on the bright side ; ] I was extremely overjoyed with simple b*tch activity during the MTV reruns of "my super sweet 16 remix" .. smfh these girls SWEAR they are celebrities or something and apparently it's ok to scream and cry worse than a kid at Toys R Us on CHRISTMAS EVE and curse out your parents when the party planning doesnt go your way .. usually the girls' dresses look nice but this chick who had hers custom made MONTHS before her party looked like a damn lost mermaid .. and her tummy was bloated l0l smh:

and her mother was like "naa ur gunna wear that dress or ur not having a party" BAHAHAHAHAHA u dummie thats what your selfish spoiled ass gets ; ] poor woman had to then later apologize for her daughter crying because she got a car as a gift before her party instead of at the party smfh this chick is the queen of simple b*tches!! but still .. the joy in my heart is overflowing ♥ she threw a decent party tho so I'll give her that at least ..

anyways .. of course the people in my life are still on crack:

Kevin: I get up early to ride the D every morning
Me: …
My sister: the D TRAIN of course!
andd my fav TFLN at the moment:
(410):just threw all of the fireworks into the bonfire. thats why there are firetrucks.

.. thats all for now ; ]

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