Saturday, June 26, 2010


so ..
On Friday I went to a party in Harlem which was a mess haha .. we were getting snacks at the bodega because we were starving and then the guy in charge of letting people in the club was asking us why we didnt get him platano chips smfh lmao .. I feel another list coming on &hearts:

1 there will be dudes posted up outside the store in chairs on the sidewalk drinking 40s
2 if papi thinks you look good, you can do whatever you want in the store ; ]
3 there will always be a cat sitting or sleeping on the floor, in a corner, or on one of the food shelves .. dont be alarmed ♥

in other news .. as much as i love that "Khloe and Kourtney take Miami" Kardashian show i can't help but get more and more irritated with Kourtney and Scott's relationship .. Kourtney has given him many chances and threatened to leave him for good at least 3 or 4 times (if you are a loyal Kardashian viewer u know this already) and he just messes up in some other way the next time smfh ; (( honestly idk how she really stays with someone who dresses as preppy as he does i guess he has a good stroke lmao .. ladies ladies ladies you CANNOT allow a guy to get away with crap they will just push the bar further next time .. and guys the same goes for you of course dont be a pushover but dont be a jerk either ;p

1 they often "forget" to call you back and the next day they say their phone battery died .. that bullsh*t excuse cannot be accepted two times in a row. trust me if talking to you is important, they will NOT let their phone die and they will make sure they know where the charger is. So if that keeps happening, let YOUR phone battery die too

2 they ALWAYS make plans with you last minute and usually you just end up at their house or your house. but they seem to make plans in advance for more fun things with their friends .. so the next time they try that, just let them know you already made other plans and you dont work in those kind of bitch ass time frames anymore ; ]

3 they lie to you about important things; cheat on you; don't introduce you to their friends. self explanatory - that simple b*tch or basic dude NEEDS TO GO,, faster than jello shots at a college party

4 they always check out other girls/guys when you are out together and or blatantly flirt with people in front of your face. anyone who is arrogant enough to do that deserves to be embarrassed on the spot AND single .. if they have time to look other places then YOU have time to UPGRADE from their stupid ass ; ]

so .. i will always love family guy

favorite TFLN right now:
 (914):When you're opening a bottle of tequila with a golf club, it's probably time to stop drinking...

.. until next time ; ]

Monday, June 21, 2010

"money over love" and other mess

hey cuties ; ] before i start i would like to remind you to follow me if you have an account !! a lot of people tell me they read it so if you have blog follow me and ill follow yours too ♥

ANYWAY .. so i was watching the Tyra Banks show because i was bored and the topic yesterday was on women who marry for money and teach their daughters to do the same smfh smfh there was only one mother on the show with a child who didnt believe in adopting gold digger tendencies .. according to a survey although they thought they would be, a lot of women who do marry for money are not even happy in their relationship even though their husband can give them all the material things that they want .. Not sure why they are surprised at that outcome. I KNOW I'm not smfh .. Come on ladies !! what happened to being independent? NEWSFLASH you don't need a man to feel good about yourself or get the fancy things that you want you can do it on your own and without LOVE how can you be truly happy in a relationship? i dont understand how people even think like this ; (

then on E news .. there is an event coming up for the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death which I still have issues accepting .. what i DONT appreciate the most is the people who talked a whole bunch of sh*t about him but then when they found out he was dead ALL OF A SUDDEN they are a die hard fan smfh don't bring that fake bullsh*t to me please .. And of course there are the unnecessary haters -__- I remember I was at an amusement park last summer and I heard some loser say "oh all he did was pop pills and touch little boys" wowowow. hmm even if you do believe that he actually molested children,, making an album of number one hit singles and permanently influencing the music industry -HELLO he started music videos- is something your stupid ass will never achieve. You will never even be worth as much as a sexual release ♥ so sit your stupid ass down ; ]

now .. on the bright side ; ] I was extremely overjoyed with simple b*tch activity during the MTV reruns of "my super sweet 16 remix" .. smfh these girls SWEAR they are celebrities or something and apparently it's ok to scream and cry worse than a kid at Toys R Us on CHRISTMAS EVE and curse out your parents when the party planning doesnt go your way .. usually the girls' dresses look nice but this chick who had hers custom made MONTHS before her party looked like a damn lost mermaid .. and her tummy was bloated l0l smh:

and her mother was like "naa ur gunna wear that dress or ur not having a party" BAHAHAHAHAHA u dummie thats what your selfish spoiled ass gets ; ] poor woman had to then later apologize for her daughter crying because she got a car as a gift before her party instead of at the party smfh this chick is the queen of simple b*tches!! but still .. the joy in my heart is overflowing ♥ she threw a decent party tho so I'll give her that at least ..

anyways .. of course the people in my life are still on crack:

Kevin: I get up early to ride the D every morning
Me: …
My sister: the D TRAIN of course!
andd my fav TFLN at the moment:
(410):just threw all of the fireworks into the bonfire. thats why there are firetrucks.

.. thats all for now ; ]

Saturday, June 19, 2010


happy fathers day everyone ; ] hopefully yours is better than mine has turned out. i wont let it get me down tho .. sometimes you just reach a point where you have already gone through enough and u have to stop acknowledging the crap that happens and just keep moving on with your life ..

so .. the basketball wives finale / reunion preview

i watched the reunion sneak peak online .. gloria choose not to join (smart decision) and the host of the damn show was like "well lets talk about her anyway" hmm that does put you below her then doesnt it ? and u wanna talk about how Matt Barnes (gloria's man) isnt that famous well b*tch neither are u huney the only reason why u have a show is because u were involved with athletes not because u have ur own talent or career and u guys say u know they are playing u and u stay around anyway .. how pathetic !! gloria is above all of you fools because she actually has trust in her relationship and you all dont so just admit it u are jealous smfh the fact that u even bring up how famous her fiance is just shows how fake you all are .. but gloria does need to realize that if the rumor is true about her sister is true then she shudnt condone it .. and jennifer i think ur husband needs to worry about YOU cheating cuz hes the one with a lumpy ass head lmao .. and royce idk why ur on that show u were a dancer what the hell are u doing? jeez simple bitches will never learn .. but they will ALWAYS ALWAYS entertain me ♥

so .. yeah .. mocha barbie is on now .. thanx to me lmao
think its conceited/unneccesary ? i don't care ♥ i just did it for funn ; ]

the real world new orleans looks like it mite be good .. idk wuts up with MTV and these real world seasons though .. it used to always be good but now its like a super dramatic good crazy season then a water down lame season then back to a good one .. oh well. and im excited for jersey shore to come back too haha .. ANDD im seeing eclipse as soon as it comes out ; ]] it looks good so hopefully its not a waste of my damn money ..

and .. btw .. cristiano ronaldo YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT ♥ *sighs*


(410):just threw all of the fireworks into the bonfire. thats why there are firetrucks.
(832):you were eating the carrots out of my guinea pig's cage and saying that you needed them more than they ever would.

and of course some hot mess happens as usual lmao i was watching chris rock "kill the messenger" at like 1am last nite and this dude is crazy:

"during the elections Barack Obama was so calm sometimes i think he forgot he was the black candidate. as if he thought was actually going to win this fair and square. He better ask Native American people about white men and rules"

"black men .. as SOON as you get a little money you want a white girl"

.. until next time ; ]

Thursday, June 17, 2010

the drake "concert" and other foolishness

yeah .. so tuesday wasnt the best day ; (

so i took the damn train into the city thinking i was going to see the free drake concert .. i was so excited and since im newly single *frowns* i knew it would be a nice opportunity for some cutie bagging with my friends lmao .. but by the time we get to the damn place there are people leaving and saying that there was a stabbing smfh so basically the concert was shut down-__- .. i was already in the city early that morning for an internship interview (which i got,, YAYE) and i literally went home napped woke up & went back to the city FOR NOTHING smh

more things that irritated the sh*t out of me recently:

1 come on people do u have to fight AT the concert? if you have beef or whatever take it somewhere else cuz MAYBE just MAYBE there were people who were looking forward to seeing drake .. smfh simple people these days gotta ruin everything

2 dont freaking pick your nose in public .. JUST, DONT.

3 if your man is looking at me and my friends when hes walking with you in the mall,, then huneyy there is no reason to give us the evil eye !! check ur man and stop being a hater ♥

4 people who get on the bus and have stupid loud air-headed conversations .. maybe some people wanted to have a peaceful ride to wherever the hell they were going .. so stfu unless you want that bubblegum you keep chomping on to fall out of your mouth and get stuck in those hair extensions ; ]

5 if i am 19 and you are 35 there is NO REASON why you should think its OK to ask for my number -__-

in other news .. Nicki Minaj is on the cover of Black Mens Magazine .. and someone online commented that "if it was Rihanna her vajayjay would be spread open" lmao DAMN .. well thats what happens when u go overboard .. you can be sexy but when u loose your mind & your limits,, u loose respect. i think this calls for another list:

what will make you a "celebrity smut" and just look straight up crazy
1 having naked pictures "leaked" and not really seeming upset about it, or having pictures leaked multiple times which means u didnt clean up ur act from the first incident *clears throat* cassie? vanessa hudgens? rihanna? smh so disappointed in u ladies
2 wearing clothing that barely covers your damn nipples and coochie
3 making music videos with you humping the dancers and/or inanimate objects & calling this behavior "growing up" smfh


so last time i checked there should be a difference between music videos and porn scenes? but who cares about THAT right? smfh christina


"hey baby im a rock(PORN) star" smh rihanna i used to love ur videos why do u need to look like ur masturbating with that damn poser ass guitar?

4 making music videos where you look like youre in a SAW movie contraption

YES christina u are "not yourself tonight" because "its time to play a game"

i also just noticed (i know im kinda late) that christina aguileras "not myself tonight" video shes doing some suggestive dancing/movements towards another girl .. in an interview she mentioned she is sometimes attracted to women too .. this has been coming up a lot in the media and it seems as if sexuality is a fad and not a real personal feeling anymore smfh .. christina you still have a great voice but this new stuff your doing seems more trashy then "sexy" or "creative" but according to her lyrics "And if you dont like it f*ck you" well gooood f*ck me then !! at least I still have class and can distinguish between sexy and skanky ; ]] ♥

but .. yeah .. on a brighter note haha TFLN and my friends are out of control as usual:

(413):I just saw a 3 year old try to break out of a daycare by driving a big wheel at full speed into a metal gate. Today is going to be epic.
(727):I'm at the airport and there's a guy wearing all camoflash to go hunting .. Should I bump in to him and say woahh sorry didn't see you there?
*playing video games
Me: wow look at how these b*tches are dressed .. ok this fight is like hoe versus hoe
John: More like hoe versus prostitute. You can tell that one on the left gets paid.
Geselle: take a laxative and shit out that hate!

.. until next time ♥

Thursday, June 10, 2010


so ive been disappointed a little too much lately ..

look at this unbelievable mess:’t-sht/

smh. smfh .. how can u catagorize ALL black women into this degrading category? im not a gold-digging bitch who tries to spend more than she has and is ignorant smfh u have no place to even say anything .. lets do a little self reflection shall we? YOUR NAME IS SLIM THUG AND YOUR TEETH LOOK LIKE YOU EAT CONCRETE FOR BREAKFAST smfh he needs to sit down .. hes lucky he even has a woman who wants to put up with that crap .. honestly with a name like slim thug idk how he can really think he is above anyone else .. well i have news for u dummie !! all of the educated black women with class, brains, good standards and a future ahead of them are already above losers like u and dont want to date your stupid ass anyway ; ]

Yeah "Slim Thug" u are sooooooooooooo classy in this picture with ur animal teeth ; ]


You cant be disrespectful like that and get away with it ;p

i think this calls for a list of ways that disqualify you as a relevant person

1: if your name is slim thug
2: if your name is slim thug
3: if you still wear "bling" as an accessory and grillz SMFH
4: if you say you're "GETTIN MONEY" or "IM ALL ABOUT MONEY F*CK BITCHES GET MONEY" but then .. you cant pay your damn phone bill and shawtey that u bagged while u were "posted on the block" calls ur number and it says "This number is currently not in service" . FAIL.
5: if you get an attitude when a girl walking down the street ignores you when you try to get her attention. get over it and be a man this isnt freaking burger king you cant always have it your way. the same goes for you too ladies. dont get mad when a guy isnt interested, because u only look like a simple bitch when ur getting heated at him in public smh.
6: if your daily activities consist of drinking quarter waters and being "posted up on the block"
7: If you think its acceptable to just live off of ur parents trust fund money and not make a damn life for yourself (this is especially directed at the simple bitches on that new VH1 show "You're Cut Off"
7: if you sincerely believe that Dora the Explorer really needs YOUR HELP finding her way around

ill probably think of more later .. but anyway smfh lady gaga's new video .. ughh come on there are younger people who can be influenced that are watching this .. shes barely wearing any fabric on her body and basically stimulates different sex positions and then gang rape .. the video ends really creepy too she looks like a freaking demon .. i dont even think i can make a joke off of this one im so pissed .. idk wut disappoints me more her pornstar music video or christina aguilera's live performance at the MTV Movie Awards with a freaking glowing heart on her crotch ; ( idk wtf is going on anymore you used to be my hero christina

BUT inspite of this foolishness i still managed to find something else to amuse me:

kid: where did you get that homo costume?
guy: i got it from your mom's closet. she let me keep it after i f*cked her

lmaoo "Role Models" is a mess

id also like to point out that my sister is a bully. a huge one <3
My sister: can you get the remote for me?
Me: where is it?
My sister: *points to the other side of the living room*
Me: hell no
My Sister: *pulls out my iphone charger and my computer charger from my laptop*
Me: …wtf
My Sister: the internet cord is next
<3 my baby sister

until next time ; ]

Monday, June 7, 2010

hip hop honors .. and other ishh

so .. hip hop honors 2010 .. hot ass mess.
1 like brandi's weave? HORSE TAIL OVERLOAD and those straight bangs did not look cute with the wavy style of the rest of her "hair" .. some people can rock that but she is not one of them. on the other hand, the best hair in my opinion was lauren london's ; ]

2 the ATL performance idk wtf was going on with that man who decided to wear a big ass white tee and not comb his damn hair .. and THEN proceed to show off his cookie dough stomach like we wanna see that raw mess?

3 keri hilson needs to work on her live performances she seemed really out of breath and it sounded bad .. but her hair looked nice ; ] and i love missy elliot but i wasnt sure how i felt about that black leather sweatsuit she had on -__- smfh u cant go on stage looking like a damn trashbag. i still love u tho.

4 FYI ... saying "like a boss" after the first ten lines of a verse WILL NEVER MAKE IT RHYME <3 .. and then more nonsense: "i heard what happens in vegas stays in vegas but what happens in miami never happens" someone explain to me what kinda damn sense that makes? and THEN "i represent the ghettos across the world...i'm so hood" SMFH SMFH just put us all back 100 years for the millionth time lmao wow ..

5 outfits: the dancers onstage who were wearing american flag themed "outfits" aka bras with pretend pants (underwear) .. smfh self explanatory .. and Trina decided to wear studded high waisted "shorts" (panties) to perform before flo rida -__- but im not suprised. i still love her tho ; ] so all you ladies who complain about being followed by men in the street .. if you dress like this then SIT THE HELL DOWN cuz u asked for it <3

but i still loved all the songs haha.

update on the situation with my sis and her friend and this guy .. so apparently the guy likes my sister and doesnt like her friend that much at all .. and she thinks that her friend should back off but now all their friends think my sister should back off and no one gets him -__- like HELLO? if friends are gunna agree to "compete" for a guy then be prepared for both of u to get played by the guy OR for this kind of mess to happen .. oh well . like why do u think u can compete with my sister anyway? shuda seen the defeat comming so dont get mad about it lmao <3 so the lesson of course is chicks before d*cks ladies. idk wuts going to happen with their friendship at this point.

btw i would like to point out that i am not a "hater" i just say what i think. and if it happens to be negative thats too bad cuz its just the truth, and usually theres a joke involved in my criticisms anyway ; ] like relax u cant take urself so seriously all the time haha and people make fun of me too especially my friends and all i do is laugh it off or give it right back <3 .. haters usually seem to secretly envy the people they "hate" on but im not really a jealous person and im not going to start now ; ]

random things my friends say again:
Veronica: You guys remind me of the wanna fanta girls
Becky: translation - you guys are colorful sluts

.. until next time ; ]

Saturday, June 5, 2010

whatever ; ]

so .. today i got to see my cuzzo today ; ] hes one of my besties and always gives me good advice and always has me dying laughing. so apparently he wants to get with one of my sisters friends and some of mine lmao .. why i am not suprised -__-

im kind of disappointed with the sis right now because she and her best friend are competing for a guy .. LADIES LADIES LADIES the games can only exist if you allow them to. this guy is only going to take advantage of having two girls throwing themselves at him, so if u dont wanna get played? then stand up and march away from that fool. no ladies to take advantage of = no games to play. once he sees that you are above him he will feel like a dummie and realize his game = USELESS <3

unfortunately i have been hearing about complaints that the sex and the city movie (the first one and especially the new one) have degrading roles for "brown people" which disappoints me alot .. cuz i really loved the show and the first movie. but i was watching an episode last nite and at one point sarah jessica parker said "oh well i only wear gold if its just ghetto necklaces and hoops for fun" smfh SMFH .. like excuse me but
YOURE NOT THAT SEXY AND YOUR FACE LITERALLY RESEMBLES A DAMN HORSE IN HEAT sooo sit the fuck down before u just go around saying ignorant mess like that ;p someone is falling into the simple bitches category -__- ughh idk if i even wanna see the movie now

seriously look at the similarities. i found this picture on google so i KNOWW im not the only one who thinks this:

BUT on the bright side : ] .. i was looking back at all my "crackhead chronicles" notes. i love u guys i really do
sean: id be like SHAWTAYYY...then i'd be like...looky heah...i wanna let u know i saw u on the dance flo and i want to let u know, i want u to come and dance on me"
My sister: I friend requested him on facebook and he accepted. Let the games begin…
Jose: Look at this thorough bread braawwd
Danielle: WHAT?
Jose: What did you expect me to refer to her as? A WOMAN?
So… UC basketball fans are rowdy l0l. The other team was garbage tho

Jordan: nice layup, ASS HOLE
Random UC guy: SWEET khaki suit coach
Other Random UC guy: your team SUCKS! Put your water girl in
Jordan: number 12 is a MIDGET

.. until next time ; ]

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


so .. its been getting really hot lately -__-

anyways .. today i continued job hunting as usual .. i better get one soon metro cards are NOT CHEAP America. I also keep seeing facebook groups and statuses for boycotts against the government making students pay full price for their metro cards to travel to school .. I hope they dont expect to see a RISE in graduation rates at the inner city schools .. ughh smfh not everyone has money like that. and then ignorant people have the nerve to stay stupid ass shit like "oh theyre poor or they dropped out because theyre lazy" yeah, because everyone in America is born in the same environment and has equal rights and opportunities and resources right? stupid and blind doesnt even begin to describe people with those opinions.

unfortunate sighting today: someone with a name necklace (don't worry, it gets worse than that)
AND A NAME CARTILAGE PIERCING -__- idk wtf kind of sense that makes .. hot mess < this fool

btw dear taylor swift: STOP THROWING PITY PARTIES its not cute anymore. theres nothing that irritates me more than people with average looks and average talent that get more credit than they deserve and write a whole shitload of songs about things that normal people go through everyday smfh

well .. on the bright side haha im wondering what kind of hairstyle i should get next since im getting it done again soon. yes i wear extensions. no they dont look a hot mess. and YES my natural hair actually exists and looks fine when i dont have a weave in bitches ; ]

anyways .. i really love it when short people try to be tall and wear heels and then they take them off later and theyre under everyone's neck again its so cute because theyre so tiny ; ] lmao don't take offense <3 some of my closest friends are short

i also found some more hilarious TFLN:

(480):Received world's greatest BJ while in a planetarium. Was seeing stars while seeing stars.
(317):You were absolutely insistent that the entire bar knew that it was peanut butter jelly time
(609):This girl told me she was a virgin the other day. I felt like I was talking to a unicorn.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

venting - ish

so recently a lot of people have been pissing me off.
im not going to specifically name people, but if they happen to be reading this then they should be able to figure it out ; ]

1 talk shit about my mom or fuck around with my sister? well God help you. and me

2 im a nice girl but you continue to put me through bullshit and u think thats OK? then dont be surprised and ask me dumb questions &+ try to make me feel guilty when i upgrade and leave ur stupid ass

3 the subway is a place where you need to move quickly and if ur slow ass wants to take your sweet time then dont fucking walk in front of people who are trying to do something with their lives and get on the train. PLEASE

4 the words "i have a boyfriend" do not mean continue to follow me down the street. i have places to go and i dont need to waste time avoiding ur creeper ass

5 dont act like your the shit when you cant even put an outfit together,, and half of your wardrobe is someone elses clothes -__-

6 hair extensions are ok, but when your tracks are showing, you don't blend it right, or if head looks like a damn rainbow i want to scream -__-

7 being a super hypocrite. self explanatory

but anyways .. im looking forward to hearing back from the stores where i handed in my applications/resumes .. if im ever going to get a car i need to start working NOW .. im also going to submit photos to a few modeling agencies in the city since i want to change from my last company .. hopefully ill get some responses ; ] modeling + job = successful summer.

and .. more wonderful things that my friends say:

*walking through Harlem
Laurina: wow look at this table there’s a book called “The Last Bitch Standing”
Renyelle: Man…I wanna shout that from a mountain top

Tracie: bitch tried to stab me in the neck with a bottle now that ain’t how you recycle

<3 i love them. more than words can ever describe
byee for now ; ]