Sunday, December 5, 2010

Smh part 2

Hey cuties ♥

I know I can be pretty silly with my blogging, and I really do appreciate all the people who tell me how much they like it, but I am always searching for something more to make it better. I think I will make it a point to add at least one serious topic to my new blogs and maybe an advice section on other issues that may come up.

For part 2 of my smh blog I'll start of with the usual silliness :)


Dear Keri Hilson,
Here is the link to the video. Couldn't find it on YouTube I WONDER why lol probably too freaking innapropriate:
The opening WannaBeActionScene was labeled "Objective: The Way You Love Me"
and before I go on to tear this apart lol, Ms. Hilson would you care to explain to me WHY THE HELL your "objective" has no verb? It's ok if you can't ♥
Anyway, the video included the cast of:
Al Jamal as "fuzz" [ -no words- ]
Keri Hilson as "B.B." [ yeah? NO ]
Jojo as "boots" [ -smfh- ]
Faith Evans as "Danja" [ -dies- ]
Dawn (from Danity Kane) as "money" [ really? REALLY? ]
Keri Hilson basically grinds on everytihng humanly possible in the video and she doesn't seem to realize that in order to do certain dance moves you have to HAVE a butt ♥ She also has no shame in talking up the effects that her vagina supposedly has on men, apparently it "keeps them off the streets". Honestly I'm not sure if I can agree with you on that Miss Hilson, becuase with the amount of people it seems that you have sex with, that hallway of yours might not even be able to keep a toy from falling out and rolling into the streets &Hearts;
Smfh she is so gorgeous and is usually classy but this sh*t? I don't know what she was thinking. She really should give those lyrics and video a makeover because this is DISGUSTING !! Whats even more disappointing is that in an interview with Perez Hilton she defends her trashy behavior. Smfh it doesn't matter if you wanna do whatever you want, you have to respect your body. I guess your self worth isn't worth more than one night fifteen minutes in the bathroom at the back of the club :D

Love Life (new)

Well, mine is usually pretty unpredictable haha. I've been single for a little while but I honestly do miss someone and I hope that we can work it out. Having fun is great and easy and I'm in control of the situation and I don't have much to worry about except for of course being responsible and safe when meeting new people, and not pulling a Keri Hilson and throwing my cookies out to everyone :) But it does get lonely after a while, at least for me.
So ladies, if there is someone out there who no matter what you do, you can't seem to let them go, then don't ♥ Unless of course the relationship was harmful to your mental/physical health or safety. In that case, don't be silly :p and think with your head until your heart heals.

I really worry about people who don't even know they are being abused until it's too late. I've decided to make a list of some red flags for abusive relationships. Besides the obvious (hitting, yelling, threating the person's life) there are other things to watch out for in abusive relationships. And it's not just guys, girls can be abusive too !
1) when you stand up to them they make you feel stupid for saying anything at all
2) you seem to spend less and less time with friends and family
3) they always have some undercutting statement to make about your accomplishments
4) they purposely do things to hurt your feelings, especially when they notice you feeling confident about something or excited about something
5) you're constantly reminded that you'll never find someone as good as them
Don't be like Rihanna lol and then end up singing about how you love being lied to and abused smfh. Not even trying to joke around too much though, that was a pretty bad situation for both of them :/
If even one of these comes up you should really consider how much you are benefiting from the relationship and firmly confront them. If it continues, it's probably better for you to get out before it becomes more difficult to manage. Speak up !! Don't keep it under wraps or it will only get worse. If someone who "cares" about you makes you doubt yourself, you DON'T NEED TO BE WITH THEM.

College Life

I'm so excited about the large Wawa water bottle I used to transport juice from the cafeteria to my empty $3.95 bottle of cranberry juice haha. Taking Back Tuition Money 101 ♥ This course is offered for both the Fall and Spring semesters.

An Interesting Statement

A friend of mine at school ran into me in the bathroom and before she went back to her room she said "People in PA are so racist. I can't even take this person to get a job without people looking at me funny. But Blacks are the most accepted minority in America right now." She is Arabic and I am Black, but to me and other people I know, she doesn't look Arabic at all, she just looks mixed. So unless they saw her name on a paper, I'm not sure if they were judging her because they somehow knew she was Arabic or because she was a minority in general. Either way the judging isn't acceptable. Some people in PA are very racist, especially near where I go to school, but Blacks don't appear to be more accepted than other minority races. Some of my Black friends, including me, have been recently racially profiled by the cops and have been called the N-word while walking down the street. I can see what she's saying in terms of things like affirmative action, but in many cases people still talk trash behind the Black person's back and make ignorant assumptions. There is still a stigma attached to the Black race, especially if you are a woman. So the "acceptance" is really somewhat fake to me. This doesn't mean I am belittling any experiences she had, since I know it has been hard for Middle Eastern people in America ever since the bullsh*t that has been going on since 9/11, but I was slightly offended by her statement since she did not appear to consider all of the factors of this "acceptance" and how accurate the "acceptance" really is. This is not to say that one group has it worse than another, but I will in no way ever agree that Blacks are the most accepted minority unless I witness real changes. Many minority groups go through judgement and face racism of several degrees, and perhaps since the situation with Blacks seems to have the most history, it is assumed that we are "accepted" now. Unfortunately that's a lie. No minority has been truly accepted in America yet.

Idiots on Facebook

Names have been getting out of hand lately.
1) Cynthia Rainbow-Sprinkles Nguyan
2) Jorge Allofthelights Martinez
3) Brianna Wavey-Gee Johnson
4) Buzzy Chris Sanchez
5) Dnice Kush
6) Beans DaDonking
7) Bretley Shaawday Ruiz

And now for the gold medal in foolery ..
8) Brian Bigdickbandit Gomez

I Love My Friends

Me: She's all over his d*ck it's so annoying.
My Sister: I hope she just chokes on it. Oh wait, she already choked on her neck because she's fat.

Shakiya: *plays with necklace and puts beads near her nose*
Tish: I hope that necklace gets stuck on your face like that forever, lookin like a damn avatar

TFLN Never Fails Me

(978): he told me he's been faithful to his girlfriend and is
gonna try to stay that way. challenge accepted.

(860): I hope making "real" money at your "real" job is worth it because
you totally missed beer and dorrito mac n cheese tuesday.

.. that's all for now :)

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