Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smh part 1

Life is so ridiculous I swear .. But that just means more stuff to Blog about haha :D Im trying to make more consistent blogs but life is being an attention whore right now lol.
Enjoy babies ♥


1: So as you probably already know, Major Lazer has this hot song out called "Pon De Floor" but of course when I go to see if the music video is still up (my friend said it was really innapropriate), this is what I see:
I mean, is it THAT hard to be appropriate lol?

2: Someone explain to me, PLEASE, why the hell this is being embraced?
The real rihanna has died years ago .. it started with her second album, and once the single "Rockstar 101" came out she had reached the point of NO return :( IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT STYLE YOU PUT THAT PERIOD BLOOD HAIR IN, it looks like crap -__-

3: Speaking of Rihanna, I'm starting to realize how annoying some songs are getting .. "What's my name" by Rihanna and Drake in particular. Why don't you know what your name is? WHY? "Oh na na, wha'ts my name?" Uhmm .. are you a child? With that period blood hair and Gold Membership in the NoPants Club, I HOPE NOT :D
I never liked the damn song in the first place lol and its making it more impossible for me to ever like this girl again :( And as much as I do like Drake, I can't help but wonder WHAT he was thinking when he came out with "Over" .. I know that song is old now but I still wonder what he was thinking with: "what am i doing? what am i doing? oh yeah that's right I'm doing me..." like, if you don't know what you're doing, you don't need to be doing ANYTHING else for a long time lol :D
I still like you though Drake :)

4: We already know that Miley Cyrus is just ridiculous, but now her younger sister, who is only NINE years old is already skanking it up :( this makes me very sad honestly.
idk wut this world is coming to :(

On The BRIGHT SIDE, i love Nicki Minaj :D and I'm pleased with her new album
My fave songs are "Save Me" and "Here I Am" and the Bonus Track "Blow Your Mind" is my ringtone :D teehee

I did also see Lil Kim's BlackFriday Nicki Minaj Diss that was released on youtube this weekend, which was pretty impressive but Lil Kim should probably come out with some new stuff if she really wants to WIN that battle .. You wanna keep your RapQueen crown? Then come out with a new album that sells more than Minaj and then we can talk haha


I enjoyed my grandmother's cooking and seeing my baby sister :) but of course there was a bundle of AintShitDudes I had to deal with for that entire week -___-

Clown #1
If you're going to be all over my cookie jar and I reject you because you're a crazy vampire, DON'T try to send me some weak ass apology saying "oh my bad if I was aggressive" on facebook. "My bad" died in 2005 along with your wack ass game playboy :D Be a man! But wait, that must be too hard for you since your vocabulary is so limited. And dont go further and try to diss me because I'm not accepting your lame apology when you were the one giving me compliments and then try to talk up yourself as if you had some kind of effect on me. YOU ARE NOT ZEUS, You just look stupid, x100 ♥

Clown #2
Don't talk sh*t about me that's not even true and then say "oh I'm so mad she played my best friend like that" when your dumb ass was trying to get with me anyway. And then thinking I need your permission to speak? SAVE IT. That makes no sense, unless of course, if you're a hypocrite. Talking so much sh*t about "oh I'm a grown ass man and I dont have to like you to f*ck you". No, you're right, you don't. And you STILL didn't get anything from me anyway, so your point is???? Don't worry .. I'll wait :D

Clown #3
You say you wanna get to know me and you wanna take me out on a date. I'm not sure how that translates into you trying to hit that and being suprised when I tell you where to go. smfh DEUCES


So Serena ends up in the hospital this week and the truth behind the schemes of the Outsiders unravels .. I knew that shit was going to happen lol. Jenny was the one who told Blair the truth and then texted Vanessa saying that she couldnt lie her way out of this one. Of course Vanessa's b*tchass calls her mom and says she's comming home after all and on top of that, Dan uses Vanessa again to keep him company while Serena was in the hospital, but ditches her for Serena the next day lmaoo I mean, HOW MANY TIMES can you lose in your life? ♥ Then Juliet that snake leaves her apartment but like the SimpleB*tch she is, forgets the mask she used to dress up as Serena at the ball so Jenny takes it. Juliet has also been getting Serena's mom to pay her monthy to "keep her secrets" lol HoneyBoo when are you going to get a real job to support yourself? I can't wait until Blair exposes her its going to be BEAUTIFUL. This is why you are Outsiders, and not part of the Elite because you do stupid sh*t and can't take someone down effectively.
Therefore, Outsiders 2 and Elite 20.
xoxo, gossipgirl ♥

I Love The People In My Life
Mom: awwe your sister did so well on her quiz she got 11 out of 10 what did you do for extra credit?
My Sister: I drew my name in bubble letters on the back of the paper.
Me: ...

Me: Markia you CAN'T talk like that when we're working!
Markia: Delicia I swear to God I will put this napkin in your mouth and shove you down the drain

TFLN is greater than Happiness

(715): I walked into the garage and you were telling the bikes
that you were not that drunk.

(406): It was just a squirrel
(253): You act like its normal to see a squirrel in the bar

(718): he fell asleep and they ducktaped him to the floor. He's pissed

.. until next time :)

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