Sunday, July 11, 2010


So .. I'm here waiting to see the Kevin Hart special on Comedy Central and there's some damn justin bieber special on tv my sister wanted to watch smfh

The part that I saw was about how crazy his fans are and he was complaining about girls trying to kiss him -__- well you ARE one of Hollywood's new female magnets and a fresh prey for cougars now lmao so what do you expect? its shocking yes but that's part of being a celebrity. smh and the whole Kim Kardashian thing makes me even more mad like seriously? you're going to send someone death threats for something that isn't even true? HELLO Justin Bieber is like 16 years old and Kim Kardashian is in her freaking 20s which is not even LEGAL .. stop being simple b*tches and going buck wild over some teenage boy who has his hair styled in a way that will allow him to flip it every thirty seconds ♥ and Kim Kardashian probably has a better boobs to butt ratio than most of you crazy female animals so get some class and stop trying to kill people over a young boy who you will probably never get a chance with anyway l0l jeez .. I would also like to know why I heard Justin Bieber got nominated for a BET award. This might sound crazy but I think he's ... not black. He is also NOT Eminem or Justin Timberlake lmao. but do what you do Bieber

I'm also wondering whats going on with that KIA car comerical, that has hip-hop sounding music playing in the background, with cute hamsters who are in a Harlem-themed area, wearing baggy clothing. WHY? I was just getting excited about how cute the baby hamsters were and then the foolishness hit me smfh l0l hamsters are not damn gangsters .. and of course hip-hop music automatically means the setting must be in a place where people blast their stereos and wear fitted hats l0l. Well at least it gets the point across and people like it. And the music is stuck in my head. So, mission accomplished l0l ;p

In some not so bright news .. racist rants by Mel Gibson have been released onto the internet and the things he says are pretty bad .. his girlfriend or I guess theyre broken up by now, Oksana Grigorieva says she isnt responsible for leaking them even though his comments were directed at her .. It seems like she did it though but shes afraid he might kill her or something ; / his rant was crazy calling her a wetback and saying that she dresses like a whore and embarrasses him and will get raped by a pack of n*ggers because she provokes them .. smfh its always interesting to see how f*cked up Hollywood celebrities really are. that world is anything but perfect and its sad how many people out there think being famous and having money means they will be happy.

Honestly when you look like this do you really have the right to talk negatively about people? saying all that racist sh*t about people and LOOK AT YOU your miserable ass cant even have a healthy relationship OR even tan well -- your chest is all sunburned and hairy eww l0l .. thats what you get ;p You're a racist and there's no way you can convince people with BRAINS that you're not, even with a public apology which celebrities seem to do in order to put foolish actions behind them and try to save their careers. You will never be liked for your character, that's for sure. BY THE WAY ASSWIPE, you might want to pick up some Just for Men and Rogaine for that hair of yours -- looks like your starting to get grey and bald up there ; ]

.. On a better note TFLN and my friends have been wonderful:

(919):We took up a collection and paid her $50 to eat a piece of meat. Vegetarian morals trumped once again by cash.

(919):It's like there testing me. My dad kept handing me margaritas and saying "you can take it"

facebook IM:
Renyelle: he poured sand in my hair in pre k
Laurina: bastard
Renyelle: yea pretty much...
i was so sad
i might have cried
but i dont think i did
cause i wasnt tryna go out like a bitch

until next time ; ]

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