Wednesday, July 14, 2010

rant and other things

It's been a while since my last post but here we go cuties ♥

Cant explain how disappointed and irritated I have been with people for the past few years especially this week ughhh ; ( ranting timee ♥

1: Dont freaking cut me off when I'm trying to swipe my metro card at the train station. I don't know WHAT you were thinking with that flower dress exposing your back because your skin is ALL spotted up from spending wayy to much time in the sun simple b*tch .. get that crinkly crackly shit outa here ; D

2: I was looking around my kitchen for something to eat tonight and there was a HUGE watermelon on the counter top -__- stereotypical much? not to mention I ended up getting red koolaid with my macaroni and cheese lmao whateverrr ; ]

3: If you would allow a friendship that has lasted for ten years to crumble without even saying a word to the person you called your "sister" then you are a cunt. Theres no need for me to do anything; karma will take care of that ♥ OOoooh,, and that present i was going to give you for your birthday? looks better on me anyway ♥

4: If you try to talk to a girl who has a boyfriend, DONT BE MAD AND RUDE AND GET AN ATTITUDE when you're trying to seduce her and she tells u she's with her boo and you can't steal her from him. HELLO ♥ you are not him soo let it go and quit the weak game HoneyBoo ; ] same goes for ladies getting mad when dudes with girlfriends blow them off. HELLO at most you will be a SideGirl and that is not even cute like SideGirl swag? ehhehh NO .. so unless he DUMPS HER, pleasee don't walk around talking about how you have someone's man when you're just his groupie aka I'm-Mad-At-My-Girl-So-Send-Me-A-Picture chick .. OooOoooh YES I did ; ]

4: If a girl doesnt answer her phone or text you back for two weeks .. MAYBE shes not interested in talking to you? so MAYBE you should stop trying to make her feel guilty because thats creepyy? Or you'll end up like this guy lmao:

I was reading celebrity gossip and saw this foolishness:

Sooo apparently Mel Gibson's ex wife is defending him against his most recent wife Oksana Grigorieva for her charging Mel Gibson with violence .. Simple b*tch (the ex wife) is apparently releasing the statement: “Mel never engaged in any physical abuse of any kind toward me before, during or after our marriage...Mel was a wonderful and loving father.” Umm HELLO not all abuse or violence is necessary physical !! There can still be emotional and mental abuse which he clearly did do if you havent heard his racist rant tapes that I mentioned in my last blog .. Honestly someone who talks as ignorantly and as cruelly as him probably did abuse her and his ex wife looks silly defending him with such a weak statement like who cares if he never abused you? Doesn't mean he won't do it to someone else .. And HELLO he DID dump you while Oksana Grigorieva was already two months pregnant soooo that makes you look even more simple .. *sighs* they will never learn but I will always have something to laugh at ♥

On the brighter sidee ; D I was watching the new season of real world .. It amazes me how this one girl on the show will get herself drunk to get the attention of a guy she wants to hook up with .. list?

What Brings You From a Respectable Woman to a Drunken Trainwreck

1 Walking out the house with heels when you KNOW you cant walk drunk in them. Do you want crutches tomorrow? Do you want to wake up barefoot? ♥

2 Wearing a short skirt/dress with tiny underwear underneath or maybe even no underwear who knows -__- cuz when your drunk ass is hobbling all over the place,, you're not going to think about panties .. SO some good damage control would be to wear spanks underneath ; ] unless you want to race the simple b*tches with big mouths in un-tagging pictures the next morning

3 Going on facebook while wasted. self explanatory haha

4 Drunk dials/ texts. texts are funnier because the next day you can document the speed and severity of your downward sprial and how the person texting you back was either taking advantage of the situation OR trying to help you (which is rare because its a lot more fun to play around with a drunk person l0l)

5 TRYING to make a drunk dial or text but holding your phone upside down .. PLEASE tell me how that is going to help you communicate with anybody? The only thing thats going to give you is pictures to un-tag from facebook the next day ; ]

Favorite TFLN right now:
(304): I tried to cut him off and he said "I was the president of a fraternity for 3 years, I could outdrink God."

Stupid things my friends say:
John: I can't believe Super Mario is fake...he's just a regular ass plumber

.. until next time ; ]

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