Saturday, May 22, 2010

late at night ..

so this is my first post .. well today was longer than it should have been.

there were too many errands to run and wayyyyyy to many stupid people to deal with. but i made it,, so it's all good. i swear my exes are all on steriods now that im in a new relationship. u totally took me for granted before, so why are u upset now? and in denial about the bullshit u put me thru?

but enough of that. there were still some good things that happened today... like the retarded things my friends say that never fail to amuse me:

john: wanna get drunk and then parallel park?

& then on thursday at the restaurant, when we were all looking at that bill -__-
Nikki: we need five more dollars for this bill guys
Sean: yoooo anyone got a metro card? We could put that in

i have so many i could probably put one in every blog i post. and maybe ill do just that.

i should be sleeping but i can't yet .. im nervous/excited for my job interview on tuesday i really hope i get it. it would be good experience to add to my resume. and i need the money. college years are the most important times to save up.

but anyways,, u should watch itskingsleybitch videos on youtube because theyre awesome. ill probably post one on here soon. as i attempt to sleep i will probably watch a few. it helps me to calm down after dealing with simple bitches <3

and that is all for now ; ]

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