Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Here I am Part 1

So here we are again cuties :)

I know its been a while and I will try to be more consistent. A lot has happened in my life lately but I just try to be strong as always and get through it. Sometimes, when a situation is bad enough, all you can do is pretend that you're ok .. until eventually you are.

Since I have been irked beyond measure for the past few weeks, ive decided to start off this blog with pet peeves haha. enjoy :)

It Must Be Piss Delicia Off Month

1: Annoying Bugs
Dear Moths,
You are ugly and you will always be ugly. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM. You ClownBitches can't even fly straight and interrupted my daytime nap. 
I will burn the wings off of the next one i see with my lighter, this i promise you &Hearts;

2: Push doors with HANDLES -___-
Thank you for making me look awkward in public. I hope you're alone on Valentines Day

3: Girls with Busted weaves who think they look cute *screams*
get.those.tracks.together .. NOWwWwWw

4: People Who Stare
I'm traveling and I'm tired. You're already sitting RIGHT next to me. I just DON'T need you all up in my face like that. deuce !!

5: People Who Are Self Righteous
You're not right all the time and you will never be perfect or superior to me either; so for once in your life think about what YOU did wrong and stop being a F*ckBoy.

6: People Who Live to be the Definition of a Simple Bitch
you know who you are, you know how i feel about you, so save the excuses and put that footlong back in your mouth ♥ that is all

7: Period Blood Hair
Apparently Rihanna isn't the only one who thinks this is cute. I've seen TOO MANY people with this look now. Explain to me why you think this is acceptable? Honestly you just make me wanna throw a tampon right at your head

8: Fake Food At College
Subconnection (aka bootleg Subway) .. Get your shit together. I say I want oatmeal cookies and bitch Asks me if I want chocolate chip. Then I say I want 3 and bitch counts to 3 OUT LOUD -__- to top it all off, the BLOODCLOT tomatoes are out of the sandwich when I open the freaking wrapper

Unfortunate Sightings

Miley Cyrus' New Video: "Who Owns My Heart"
^^ Presenting Miley NoPants Cyrus :D

ah .. the typical "bisexual" trend -__-

1: Playgirl thinks she's cute
2: Playgirl thinks she's cute
3: Your show is still on Disney -__- but that doesn't matter right? Smfh clearly you care more about your SandpaperCoochie then your younger fans.
4: If you're going to wear tiny clothes, you could at least HAVE an ass and titties
5: Honestly .. this song should be called "Who Owns My Values" - because clearly she isn't in charge of them anymore ♥
She does look less rat-faced in this video, I'll give her that, but she's "growing up" way too quickly. Your sh*t isn't cute. It's more of .. well .. like a trashbag :D

On a side note ..

"If you got the fattest gear and no one can come into your atmosphere, then you're a part of tshirt time :D and you will be, until we yell .. CABS ARE HERE !!" - Vinny
♥ until next season Jersey Shore

I Love My Friends

krystof: I'm gunna roll an L before football starts so it looks like a videogame

kenza: her celulite looks like the atlantic ocean

TFLN has my heart forever

(401):she went apple picking. why dont we do cute things like that? let's go to a pumpkin patch!
(508):because we're not cute. we're sluts. and sluts don't go apple picking.

(253):I just dumped out my gym water bottle and filled it with white wine. This is the end.

(419):I made a drinking game out of watching your DUI video, everytime you say "okay, well thats just your opinion"

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